Thursday, 24 May 2012

Guest Book - Cathy and Simon, Kinghorn Engagement

Hello wonderful people!  Hope you've all been enjoying the glorious sunshine! I'm being utterly spoilt after a week in Spain with my gorgeous girl and now the lovely Scottish sunshine, who'd have thought it.

All this sunshine is good for the soul but bad for business so lets get down to it! lol.  Got soooo much to share with you, including boring you lot with my holiday pictures :) but for now I'd like to share something special that arrived in the post whilst I was away, Cathy and Simon's lovely guest book!!

You may remember Cathy and Simon's engagement shoot on the beach in Kinghorn, and featured on fabulous wedding blog engaged.  Well the lovely Cathy and Simon are to be married very soon, I simply cannot wait!! and here is their lovely guest book :)

Much love as always,

Zoë x


  1. OH ZO!!!!!!! These are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! And not long till their Wedding now - so exciting!

  2. Pretty special aint it! hehe thanks lovely, really looking forward to the wedding :)
