Friday, 8 February 2013

Photography Farm Week

Last month I hopped on a train to London, with some banana butterscotch muffins (YUM!) and my good friend and fellow photographer Neil. We were off to spend a pretty awesome 5 days at Photography Farm.  I've sat here with the cursor blinking away for quite a while now... it's rather difficult to put into words how amazing this place really is, so i'm using a few instagrams to get me started :)

Arriving back on the farm was like coming home, I was the first to arrive and spent a blissful hour wandering around, relaxing and soaking up my surroundings, and saying hello to Badger the resident dog. 

Photography Farm is the brainchild of wedding photographer Lisa Devlin.  A magical farm setting, near Gatwick where a series of 3 day workshops are held.  This is more than just your average photography workshop though,  you get awesome styled shoots and learn and discuss all things photography whilst staying on this incredible farm, steeped in creative history.  I first attended the Photography Farm back in Autumn 2011, I left with a head full of knowledge, creative confidence, new found inspiration but best of all a new network of incredibly talented and all round wonderful people.

But this was something new! Farm Week!!

Farm week was 5 days of non residential talks and workshops by some of the finest photography talent and not only from the UK! Neil and I were fortunate enough to be able to stay at the farm for the week and help out as farm elves, we had a blast! 

I attend talks and workshops with some amazing creatives.. Graphic Designer Melissa Love, Flash guru Adam Bronkhorst, Cinematographer Richard Wakefield and all the way from Salt Lake City, Utah the amazing photographer Brooke Davis and not forgetting the amazing Lisa Devlin herself!

During the day it was learning central, but at night we chilled..some of us were lucky enough to be able to stay over at the farm and we talked non stop about all things photography and other general nonsense.  The food as always was incredible, seriously it's worth booking in to photography farm just for the food! I had such a wicked time chilling with all these incredible people, we all got on so well I felt we'd known each other much longer! a few special shout outs to Sassy, Shell, Emma, ElizaAlexa, Lydia, Hannah, Jessica and Fiona and many many others, too many to name (so sorry if I've missed anyone out).

Along with the workshops and evening fun we had some impromptu fun with our cameras. One of the highlights was nipping out on a chilly, yet glorious afternoon with Shell, Neil, Brooke and her fabulous other half and amazing photographer Tavis Johnson.

I've popped a few of my pictures below from our little mess around photo session and from the awe inspiring workshop with Brooke.  It was just incredible to watch her work, the energy she puts into her shoots is phenomenal, both to watch and experience as a subject. Thank you so much to the lovely Lisa and her family, Shell and her husband and the amazing makeup artist Elbie for being such fabulous models.

I really don't think I can explain exactly how incredible this experience is.  As photographers we spend a lot of time working on our own, we all have an amazing supportive online community, particularly from the facebook group for farmers :) but nothing beats meeting in person with people who continue to move and inspire you. Thank you ever so much to every single one of the lovely people I met, you are all brilliant!

Most of all thank you to lovely Lisa for creating such a wonderful concept and community.  Lisa puts her heart and soul into everything she does and photography farm is no exception, she is one of the most genuine, inspiring and awesome people I've ever met and I want to express my own heartfelt thanks to you Lisa.

That's enough chat! let's get to the pictures.

Much love,  Zoë x


  1. Ohhh loves fab, think I'm going to have to go to the next farm week.

  2. an amazing round up and beautiful photos zoe!x

  3. Great post zoe, and as always your images are stunning. I miss the farm!

  4. So glad you got so much out of it but the whole thing really would not have been the same without you and Neil. Thanks so much for coming and looking forward to seeing you in Glasgow soon xx

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  6. This is more than just your average photography workshop though, Tobiah Tayo
